My “Yes” List

lara casey yes list power sheetsPIN IT!

I mentioned that I took some time out during my mini-vacation in the mountains to begin the Lara Casey #Powersheets journey. I’ve continued the process and it’s really been a positive experience. I’ve answered and asked a lot of questions about my purpose, my vision for the future of my business and my family.

Honestly, ya’ll it has me pretty fired up! My word for this year is MOVE…and that’s all I want to do. I want to move forward. I want to move hearts and minds. I need to move some of the clutter out of my life and make room for my dreams to truly blossom.

One exercise asked me to create lists of the things I’m saying no and yes to. To help keep me accountable, I’m publishing my “Yes” list. It’s pretty simple…right lol.


  1. Bringing in help and collaborating
  2. Doing what I want even if I have to go alone
  3. Taking one small step forward
  4. “Impossible” love
  5. “Impossible” projects
  6. “Impossible” people
  7. Dedicated time with family
  8. Committing time and my efforts to God’s will and way

Sometimes I can be a “Yes” person — although this has diminished quite a bit since I turned 30. Here’s the thing, I used to say “yes” to a lot of things I didn’t want to work on, events I didn’t want to attend, etc. My no/yes list has helped me chart out what my priorities look like and how all of this ladders up to my big picture vision. I just need ya’ll to help keep me on track!

Do you have a no/yes list? 
